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Many times after limb loss, hope is lost.  This site is a testament that life continues after an amputation and that the amputee can thrive and achieve goals never imagined. 
The Amputee Awareness Pin is now available. The 1" lapel pin is $5.00 (+shipping).

Who am I?

My name is Peggy.  I have been a below knee amputee for 7 years.   I have also been blessed to be Robby's Mommy for four years. 

When I was pregnant I searched for information on how to manage pregnancy and motherhood as an amputee.  Much to my dismay I found very few resources.  I am by no means an expert, but I am happy to share my experiences and ideas.

This site was born out of a desire to fill an information void for the pregnant amputee.  It has evolved into so much more.  From how to explain my limb loss to my son's friends to achieving physical goals I have set for myself, I try to address issues pertinent to the amputee and their loved ones.

If you have any ideas or questions, please post them in the forum.  I would like this site to develop into an accepting and open community where ideas and stories can be shared freely and without fear of judgment. If you are on Facebook, please join our fan page to develop friendships and to share ideas and experiences. 

Being a Mommy is a difficult job.  Being a parent with a disability compounds the struggles and adds layers of isolation, fear and frustrations. 

I have been writing about my experiences in my daily blog.  My entries reflect the life of an amputee, exploring the difficulties, joys, successes and humorous situations often often arise. 

This website is seeking advertisers.  If you are interested, please contact me at

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